"French+Sciences'' Program 2023: Scholarship Recipients share their experiences


The 'French+Sciences' Programme 2023 has been successfully held! This year, three students from Hong Kong received the scholarship to attend the programs from free! Let's hear about their experience!

Jessica Lau (HKUST) CLA – Besançon : "Micro, Nano & Smart Technology"

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I am genuinely grateful for being in the French + Sciences Program this year. It was a marvelous experience in which I have learned a lot about French culture and nanotechnology. I shall conclude my experience in the program with the following reflection.

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The overwhelming worries I had on the first day arriving France were all proven needless. Our main coordinators, Mrs. Lucie Guy and Dr. Frédéric Péneau gave us a warm welcome and took good care of us throughout the program, so as all the other staff at CLA and FemtoST. Thanks to their active facilitation, learning has never been more dynamic and captivating. I am glad that I have learned beginner-level French from the best, which encouraged me to continue learning after returning home. Besides, the science lessons have well portrayed the state-of-the-art technology of physics, engineering and medicine in the nano scale. I believe Bourgogne-Franche-Comté would be the best choice for postgraduate studies in nanotechnology worldwide.

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On the other hand, friendship has united all of us. From strangers to companions, we have made precious memories in day-to-day activities and especially in the three cultural excursions. It was also thought-provoking to exchange our cultural and religious backgrounds. By the end of the program, we all had a bittersweet moment when we made our hardest goodbyes. I sincerely hope for our reunion in the future.

All in all, the French + Sciences Program gave me a new set of eyes to see the world in a global perspective. It is such a life-changing and fruitful experience that I would recommend to every college students in science.

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Allen Yu (City U) Accent Français Montpellier

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There is no doubt that this program is a life-changing experience in my life. It is eye-opening and has made good friendships. I am truly grateful for being selected for the scholarship, which heavily subsidized my trip.


The French class was enjoyable with a funny and easy-going teacher. He is the best French teacher I had met. The interactive style of the class makes it really fun. I really got to practice my French with him and my classmates. I guess this is just the end of the beginning of my long French learning journey.

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The science part was fruitful with a theme on sustainable development. We were attached to a renewable energy start-up, called EnerCoop. Having visited so many sustainable development facilities, I do feel the passion and the innovation some French people had for making Montpellier better in sustainability against all odds. That is very precious and may not be present in every part of the world.


What makes the program the best is the friendship. I have made some very good friends and we have been through a lot together. It was so difficult to say goodbye at the end of the program!

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